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城市是人类文明,特别是工业文明的物质空间载体,在马克思主义理论中从未缺场.马克思恩格斯在对工人阶级生存状况及其历史命运的思考中,形成了城市观的历史唯物主义新范式,并成为历史唯物主义的重要组成部分.恩格斯以生产方式为出发点,构建了历史唯物主义城市观的基本维度,批判工业化城市对人与自然、人与人关系的破坏,积极探索并投身实践,寻求解决工人阶级城市生存问题的根本路径,为未来工业化城市发展指明了方向.明确历史唯物主义城市观的基本内涵,挖掘恩格斯的城市哲学思想,探讨历史唯物主义城市观的发展脉络,寻找解决工业化城市问题的理论工具,也是对恩格斯伟大思想的当代回应.  相似文献   
以涉县的农村道路建设为例,结合该地区土地整治特点,通过对农村道路发展现状的分析,在强化道路主体、道路绿化、生态排水、配套设施设计的基础上,强化组织领导、资金筹措、绿色生态、管理维护,充分利用当地资源,选择稳定性较好的材料进行铺筑,栽种本地适宜的树种、草种,将生态和人文设计理念融合到道路设计中,丰富并传承乡村文化,发挥其观赏价值、应用价值和经济价值。  相似文献   
新建医院给新任护士长带来了晋升的机遇,但是医院的特殊环境也使得她们面临着诸如科研难、沟通协调难、带教难等挑战。新任护士长希望获得医院足够的支持,用来提升管理水平和管理绩效。采用质性研究的方法,通过半结构访谈的方式,对新建医院14位新任护士长进行管理体验的访谈,从而为医院培养一支高素质的护士长队伍提供实证依据。对获得的研究资料进行整理分析,提炼出机遇、挑战、愿景这三个主题。新建医院新任护士长承担管理工作时间短,管理经验相对不足,但是她们有饱满的工作热情,医院应该采用各种方式,满足新任护士长自我完善的需求。  相似文献   
利用博弈模型,对生态农产品供应链内部契约合作稳定情况进行研究,并就区块链技术如何保障生态农产品供应链稳定运行进行分析。分析认为:生态农产品供应链稳定运行情况受到市场风险制约,区块链技术能通过改善生态农产品供应链内部信息不对称现象,增加生态农产品供应链内部交易节省成本并提高主体违约成本,同时增加生态农产品供应链主体长期合作得益及协调主体合作,从而保障生态农产品供应链稳定运行。在此基础上,结合区块链技术特征对区块链技术应用下生态农产品供应链结构设计进行了探讨并对部分可能出现的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   
2018年9月10日,习近平总书记在全国教育大会上强调:“要树立健康第一的教育理念,开齐开足体育课,帮助学生在体育锻炼中享受乐趣、增强体质、健全人格、锤炼意志。”这为我国未来学校体育的发展指明了方向。学校体育要认真贯彻落实习近平总书记的重要讲话精神,把增进学生的身心健康作为学校体育工作的出发点和落脚点,切实提高学生的身心健康水平,促进学生全面发展。本文首先阐述了习近平总书记重要讲话精神的核心要义,以及所体现的以人为本的思想、高度重视把学生的健康放在首位、非常关注学生的身心协调发展等。其次,就如何落实习近平总书记的重要讲话精神提出了建设性意见:必须开齐开足体育课,保证校内外锻炼时间;提高体育课和课外体育活动的教育教学质量,加强学生的运动效果;“五育”并重,将学校体育纳入学校教育质量评价的重要组成部分;体育教师应树立强烈的社会责任感和使命感等措施和建议。  相似文献   
This study develops dose–response models for Ebolavirus using previously published data sets from the open literature. Two such articles were identified in which three different species of nonhuman primates were challenged by aerosolized Ebolavirus in order to study pathology and clinical disease progression. Dose groups were combined and pooled across each study in order to facilitate modeling. The endpoint of each experiment was death. The exponential and exact beta-Poisson models were fit to the data using maximum likelihood estimation. The exact beta-Poisson was deemed the recommended model because it more closely approximated the probability of response at low doses though both models provided a good fit. Although transmission is generally considered to be dominated by person-to-person contact, aerosolization is a possible route of exposure. If possible, this route of exposure could be particularly concerning for persons in occupational roles managing contaminated liquid wastes from patients being treated for Ebola infection and the wastewater community responsible for disinfection. Therefore, this study produces a necessary mathematical relationship between exposure dose and risk of death for the inhalation route of exposure that can support quantitative microbial risk assessment aimed at informing risk mitigation strategies including personal protection policies against occupational exposures.  相似文献   
骑兵,一般在古代战争中作为步兵的辅助力量存在,而在帕提亚帝国骑兵却是军队的主要力量。由于帕提亚帝国发源于游牧民族传统,帝国幅员辽阔,内部多元和分散,东联中亚草原,西接两河流域,上承古波斯帝国军事优势,造就他们的骑兵称霸西亚。其骑兵的冲击力和机动性构成伊朗古代史和世界古代史上战斗力最强的一支军队。帕提亚的骑兵分为重装骑兵和轻装弓骑兵,他们装备当时世界上最先进的铠甲和武器,并配备了当时后勤保障最有力的骆驼队,双方根据自身的特点在战争中扮演不同的角色,发挥不同的作用。双方的相互配合加上灵活机动的战略战术往往能产生震撼的效果。  相似文献   

Most statistical analyses use hypothesis tests or estimation about parameters to form inferential conclusions. I think this is noble, but misguided. The point of view expressed here is that observables are fundamental, and that the goal of statistical modeling should be to predict future observations, given the current data and other relevant information. Further, the prediction of future observables provides multiple advantages to practicing scientists, and to science in general. These include an interpretable numerical summary of a quantity of direct interest to current and future researchers, a calibrated prediction of what’s likely to happen in future experiments, a prediction that can be either “corroborated” or “refuted” through experimentation, and avoidance of inference about parameters; quantities that exists only as convenient indices of hypothetical distributions. Finally, the predictive probability of a future observable can be used as a standard for communicating the reliability of the current work, regardless of whether confirmatory experiments are conducted. Adoption of this paradigm would improve our rigor for scientific accuracy and reproducibility by shifting our focus from “finding differences” among hypothetical parameters to predicting observable events based on our current scientific understanding.  相似文献   
选取2007—2016年的A股上市公司作为研究样本,考察了合格境外机构投资者持股对企业绩效的影响。研究发现,合格境外机构投资者持股比例与企业绩效显著正相关,即能有效提高企业绩效。还进一步考察了终极控制人性质对合格境外机构投资者与企业绩效之间关系的影响,经验证据表明,与民营企业相比,合格境外机构投资者对国有企业的绩效影响更加显著。  相似文献   
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